Speaker bios 2023

Louise Baadsgaard Bruun
Louise Baadsgaard Bruun, DVM, DVA Certificate in Companion Animal Diseases, Certified ECVO Eye Scheme Examiner (ESE), MS CACS Ophthal.
Louise Baadsgaard Bruun is an Eye Scheme Examiner licensed by the European Collage of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ECVO) and member of the national eye panel in Denmark. She graduated from the University of Copenhagen in 2010 and completed the courses in Ophthalmology at the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies in 2014 and 2016. She obtained Master of Companion Animal Clinical Science with specialization in Ophthalmology in 2022 and the Master Project was focused on a novel surgical technique for corneal ulcers. She works in a multidisciplinary small animal referral hospital caring for the ophthalmic patients, primarily dogs and cats but also horses and exotics. She enjoys all aspects of ophthalmology especially ophthalmic microsurgery

Danièlle A. Gunn-Moore
Danièlle A. Gunn-Moore, BSc (Hon), BVM&S, PhD, MANZCVS (Feline), FHEA, FRSB, FRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Feline Medicine
Professor in Feline Medicine
Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute
Danièlle Gunn-Moore graduated from the R(D)SVS, University of Edinburgh, with the Dick Vet Gold Medal (1991). After a year in small animal practice, she joined The Feline Centre, University of Bristol, and completed a Residency in Feline Medicine funded by what is now called International Cat Care, then a PhD study into Feline Infectious Peritonitis in 1997. After a short period as Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology, University of Bristol, she returned to Edinburgh to establish the Feline Clinic and became Professor of Feline Medicine in 2006. She is interested in all aspects of feline medicine; she is an internationally recognised expert in her area, has lectured extensively and published over a 180 peer-reviewed research papers, plus many reviews and book chapters. In 2009 she was awarded the BSAVA Woodrow Award for outstanding contribution in the field of small animal veterinary medicine, in 2011 she was awarded the International Society for Feline Medicine/Hill’s award for Outstanding Contributions to Feline Medicine, in 2012 the Royal Dick students voted her “The clinician I would most like to be”, in 2016 FECAVA awarded her “Increased Vocalisation in Elderly Cats” the most original paper in the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice that year, and in 2017 she became a Fellow of the RCVS, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology. She shares her home with her husband Frank, and two young Maine Coon boys called Brora and Macduff (named after Scottish single malt whiskies).
Speaker bios 2022

Gregory K. Ogilvie
Gregory K. Ogilvie, DVM
Diplomate ACVIM (Internal Medicine, Oncology) & ECVIM-CA Oncology
Dr. Ogilvie a board certified internist and oncologist and is Professor and Division Director of Veterinary Oncology, University of California-San Diego, Moores Cancer Center and director of the Angel Care Cancer Center at California Veterinary Specialists. At the Angel Care Cancer Center in beautiful San Diego California, Greg cares for patients of all species and their families, teaches interns, residents, veterinary students and develops novel, new compassionate cancer therapies. Greg has authored or coauthored four books, Managing the Veterinary Cancer Patient, Feline Oncology: Compassionate Care for Cats with Cancer , Managing the Canine Cancer Patient: A Practical Guide to Compassionate Care and his newest, Critical Concepts to Providing Compassionate Cancer Care. This fifth generation Colorado native and an Ironman triathlete has also written over 200 scientific articles and chapters as well as over 120 scientific abstracts and posters. He has been awarded two international patents, over 10 million dollars in research grants and endowments as a principal or co-investigator, and is the recipient of many teaching, research and clinical awards. Dr. Ogilvie has lectured in scores of countries to many thousands of students, veterinarians, physicians and scientists about his love of the practice of veterinary medicine and oncology. When not caring for pets and people. Greg is a certified ski instructor and enjoys camping, SCUBA and doing Ironman triathlons. His greatest joys are his daughter, Torrie and his wife, Karla and their small herd of four legged children.

Martha Cannon
Martha Cannon, BA VetMB DSAM(fel) MRCVS
RCVS Specialist in Feline Medicine
Martha Cannon is an RCVS Specialist in Feline Medicine and a partner at the Oxford Cat Clinic, a first opinion and medical referral cat-only clinic in Oxford (www.oxfordcatclinic.co.uk). She graduated from Cambridge University in 1992 and remained briefly at the university to work as a small animal anaesthetist, before moving into small animal practice in Canterbury, where she established a radio-active Iodine treatment center for hyperthyroid cats. She gained the RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Medicine while in first opinion practice there before becoming Feline Advisory Bureau Clinical Scholar in Feline Medicine at Bristol Vet School. She then moved to Oxfordshire to work in private practice again, gained the RCVS Diploma in Small Animal Medicine (Feline) in 2002, and attained RCVS Recognized Specialist Status the same year. In March 2006 she established the Oxford Cat Clinic with her friend and colleague Caroline Blundell. Martha is a trustee director of the Feline Advisory Bureau and a member of the GCCF Veterinary Sub-committee. She is a regular speaker at continuing education meetings for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses.